Saturday, October 10, 2015


“Made in China” is probably what you find the most since decades on all the products you are buying during your shopping sessions. Your outfit is probably manufactured by some Chinese people thought.

But let’s come back on the reputation of the “Made in China” seen by the Western countries. When you hear the mention “Made in China”, you probably suppose products of bad quality, bad conditions of the workers and reminds you some scandals which happened at some times.

We can’t say that these facts don’t exist, but we can moderate what you’re thinking.

Chinese workers are not today working for $1 per day, in wretched conditions. In fact, in 2013, the average cost of labor in China is only the average of half the cost in the US and increase each year on an average of 20%, and could reach 60% in 2015 according to the Boston Consulting Group.

China is today too expensive for most of the western companies of the textile industry which desire to reduce their cost of production. Western countries rather relocate their production in India, Philippines and Bangladesh which are looking like Chine 15 years before.

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